3 Hours of Enchanted Celtic Music | Magical Forest Fantasy (Relaxing)
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Traditional music for you: We are Ean Grimm, Derek Fiechter and Brandon Fiechter… 3 composers who write instrumental music thats meant to relax and inspire you after a long and stressful day at work. Genres we produce are e.g. Celtic music, Medieval music and Nordic music. If you like to listen to traditional instruments like hurdy gurdy, harp, bagpipes and flutes you came to the right place. This enchanting celtic music with magical and beautiful forest and fantasy vibes is mystical, relaxing and enchanted.
Music by Ean Grimm: Shadow Elf Warrior Harp Remix
Image: © Andrea Danti – stock.adobe.com
Intro: tubearsenal.com
My name is Ean Grimm and I am an instrumental music composer. My main focus is fantasy music, forest music and celtic music. I design my songs to be enchanted, mystical, relaxing and magical. This music video is great as background music for reading, writing, sleeping, relaxing, studying and working.
Copyright: Please note that the music as well as the picture are protected by copyright. If you want to avoid copyright claims and/or more serious consequences, do not try to re-upload any part of this video under any circumstances.
You can find more songs here:
Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCwF4bAx_W482_AQu-mv1vWg
Youtube Music: music.youtube.com/channel/UCJolBeKYuoaIJDPTFNqaEPQ
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/1CpsGlYxA696bgBGhWlo2j
Outro music: This video also includes Cliffs of Fate and Sunlight Mountain by Ean Grimm.
Enjoy the songs,
Ean Grimm (Composer)
This instrumental music video is great for an international audience interested in:
ENGLISH (USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland, India):
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SPANISH (Mexico, Latin America, USA, Spain):
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PORTUGUESE (Brazil, Portugal):
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HINDI (India):
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GERMAN (Germany, Switzerland, Austria):
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FRENCH (Canada, France, Belgium, Switzerland):
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3 Hours of Enchanted Celtic Music | Magical Forest Fantasy (Relaxing)