North Koreans Try American BBQ feat. Asian Boss

We also wanted to have them try the best sauces from the most respected regions in the US, so we reached out to LawLers Barbecue (Alabama), 12 Bones (North Carolina), Gates Bar-B-Q (Kansas City) and Rudys Bar-B-Q (Texas) who agreed to come on board for this project.
(We tried reaching out to several places in Memphis but none were interested unfortunately. Sorry Memphis, we tried our best)

First, we wanna say this project wouldnt have been possible without 12 Bones, LawLers, Rudys and Gates. These are already successful and respected businesses who could have told us they werent interested, but they loved the idea of this project and having their local region represented. It was also awesome for us to be able to try all the different styles of sauces. Please show them your support and if you stop by one of their stores, tell them you saw our video:
-12 Bones (Blueberry chipotle sauce was Good Morning Americas sauce of the year):
-LawLers (Red sauce was Northern Alabama sauce of the year):
-Rudys (A sauce even Texans like) —
-Gates (classic, original, extra hot, sweet

Polar Bear vs Walrus colony | BBC Planet Earth | BBC Studios

Watch the awesome fight for survival as a grown male polar bear takes on a walrus colony at the edge of the Arctic circle.


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Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban

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Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesnt make sense, but hes never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window — and encourages us to think harder about what were really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.

For more from Tim Urban, visit Wait But Why:

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Индонезия. Калимантан. Недетское путешествие .

Кто в детстве не мечтал последовать примеру Робинзона Крузо и оказаться на необитаемом острове? К счастью, на земле еще остались места, защищающие себя от нападок цивилизации. Часть из них находится на островах, принадлежащих Индонезии, куда мы и отправляемся, чтобы совершить совсем недетское путешествие.

Королевство Бахрейн

Наш путь из Эфиопии в Москву лежит через самое маленькое единственное островное арабское государство на Ближнем Востоке, расположенное в западной части Персидского залива Королевство Бахрейн.

Камерун. Остаться в живых. Часть первая.

Существует мнение, что по Африке начинаешь скучать, еще не уехав из нее. На этот раз мы находимся в западной части Центральной Африки в окружении совсем неспокойных соседей. Наша цель познакомиться с новой африканской страной и остаться в живых.