Video Details:
Composer: Adrian von Ziegler
00:00:00 Legend
00:03:42 Wolf Blood
00:06:42 A Celtic Tale
00:10:13 Night Mist
00:30:19 For the King
00:33:45 My Black Rose
00:39:55 Dance with the Trees
00:43:05 Prophecy
00:48:35 Morning Dew
01:09:27 Wild Flower
01:12:34 Sacred Earth
01:15:34 Fear no Darkness
01:18:33 Death Dance
01:23:38 Gaelic Earth
01:25:41 Breath of the Forest
01:28:31 Spring Charm
01:48:55 Circle of Life
01:52:16 Kingdom of Bards
01:56:35 Victorious
01:59:40 Beyond the Veil
02:05:07 Crann Na Beatha
02:09:04 Cliffs of Moher
02:11:43 Angel Tears
02:16:22 Myth
02:18:40 Morrígan
02:22:46 Autumn Forest
02:42:45 Alvae
02:47:29 Ancient Storm
02:52:11 Your Dying Heart
02:57:04 Druidic Dreams
03:01:24 Beautiful Dreams
03:04:57 Bua Nó Bás (Victory or Death)
03:08:35 Awake in a Dream
03:11:49 Where I Belong
03:15:53 Song of Brotherhood
03:18:22 Nevermore
03:22:33 Part of the Pack
03:26:24 Ode to the Fallen
03:30:55 Hail to the King
03:36:21 Evening Breeze
03:56:51 Child of the Highlands
03:59:01 Dreamtide
04:04:26 Land of the Free
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Traditional music for you: We are Ean Grimm, Derek Fiechter and Brandon Fiechter… 3 composers who write instrumental music thats meant to relax and inspire you after a long and stressful day at work. Genres we produce are e.g. Celtic music, Medieval music and Nordic music. If you like to listen to traditional instruments like hurdy gurdy, harp, bagpipes and flutes you came to the right place. This enchanting celtic music with magical and beautiful forest and fantasy vibes is mystical, relaxing and enchanted.
My name is Ean Grimm and I am an instrumental music composer. My main focus is fantasy music, forest music and celtic music. I design my songs to be enchanted, mystical, relaxing and magical. This music video is great as background music for reading, writing, sleeping, relaxing, studying and working.
Copyright: Please note that the music as well as the picture are protected by copyright. If you want to avoid copyright claims and/or more serious consequences, do not try to re-upload any part of this video under any circumstances.
Outro music: This video also includes Cliffs of Fate and Sunlight Mountain by Ean Grimm.
Enjoy the songs,
Ean Grimm (Composer)
This instrumental music video is great for an international audience interested in:
ENGLISH (USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland, India):
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SPANISH (Mexico, Latin America, USA, Spain):
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PORTUGUESE (Brazil, Portugal):
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HINDI (India):
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GERMAN (Germany, Switzerland, Austria):
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FRENCH (Canada, France, Belgium, Switzerland):
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В этом канале вы найдете все виды музыки: инструментальная музыка, расслабляющая музыка, классическая музыка, физические упражнения, счастливый музыку, музыку для учебы и работы, и многое другое ★ Пожалуйста, подпишитесь: ► goo.gl/xqeJ7A
Musica celtica irlandese allegra bellissima moderna motivazionale positiva strumentale. by Adrian von Ziegler
Live Better Media è un luogo dove si possono trovare tutti i tipi di musica: musica rilassante, musica classica, musica allegra, musica sottofondo, musica strumentale, musica per studiare, musica per lavorare
Мельница — это самая знаменитая российская фолк-рок группа. Основана 15 октября 1999 в Москве.
Семь полноформатных альбомов создали поистине уникальный феномен в фолк музыке и в отечественной музыкальной индустрии в целом. Путь из крошечных клубов до огромных стадионов занял десять лет — тут были и радикальные смены состава, триумфы на радио, признание публики и огромное количество живых концертов. Группе удалось не только изменить отношение аудитории к фольклору, но и сделать фолк-рок таким популярным, каким мы видим его сегодня.
Состав Группы:
Наталья О’Шей (Хелависа) — вокал, ирландская арфа, перкуссия, акустическая гитара, стихи, музыка, аранжировки, художественный руководитель коллектива.
Алексей Кожанов (с декабря 2005 года) — бас-гитара, акустическая гитара, аранжировки.
Дмитрий Фролов (с декабря 2005 года) — ударная установка, аранжировки.
Сергей Вишняков (с февраля 2010 года) — электрогитара, акустическая гитара, соло, бэк-вокал, музыка, аранжировки, художественный руководитель коллектива.
Дмитрий Каргин (с июня 2013 года) — флейта, аранжировки духовых.
Traditional music for you: We are Ean Grimm, Derek Fiechter and Brandon Fiechter… 3 composers who write instrumental music thats meant to relax and inspire you after a long and stressful day at work. Genres we produce are e.g. Celtic music, Medieval music and Nordic music. If you like to listen to traditional instruments like hurdy gurdy, harp, bagpipes and flutes you came to the right place. Celtic Music — Ancient Forest | 3 hours of celtic fantasy music.
1_Beautiful Forest Elf Music Elven Sanctuary
2_Celtic Elf Music Elf Whispers
3_Celtic Elf Music Elves of the Dark Moon
4_Celtic Elf Music Healing Elves
5_Celtic Elf Music Moonflower Forest
6_Celtic Elf Music Nighthawk Forest
7_Celtic Elf Music Secret of the Elves
8_Celtic Elf Music Sylvan Elves
9_Celtic Elf Music The High Elves
10_Celtic Elf Music Whispering Oaks
11 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Mossy Lands
12 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Alfheim
13 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Ancient Forest of the Elves
14 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Aquatic Elves
15 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Autumn Elves
16 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Battle of the Night Elves
17 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Blackgem River
18 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Celestial Elves
19 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Dark Elves Inn
20 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Dark Elves
21 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Desert of the Sand Elves
22 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Drows of the Gnarled Woods
23 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Echoing Woods
24 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elf Archers
25 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elf Village
26 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elven Lands
27 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elven Night
28 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elven Woods
29 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elves of Sky Mountain
30 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elves of the Magical Glade
31 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Elves of the Royal Guard
32 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Forest Lullaby
33 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Forest of Forgetfulness
34 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Grey Elves
35 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Haunted Trees
36 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — High Elves of Waterfall Sanctuary
37 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Ice Elves
38 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Leaf Warriors
39 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Leafblade Woods
40 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Nature Elves
41 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Night Elf Glade
42 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Night Elf Land
43 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Night Elf Village
44 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Night Elf Waltz
45 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Night Elves of Firefly Temple
46 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Night Hunters
47 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Poison Elves
48 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Prince of the Elves
49 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Royal Woodlands
50 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Sapphire Citadel
51 Derek and Brandon Fiechter — Shadow Glade
Outro: Ean Grimm – Mountain Inn, Spirit of nature
Celtic Music — Ancient Forest | 3 hours of celtic fantasy music