japanese rap when slaying enemies with your katana

where is the samurai who smells of sunflowers! oh he is next door… well thank you…

(00:00) Buddha Brand — 人間発電所
(05:29) Buddha Brand — 天運我に有り
(10:47) God Inc. — El Dorado Throw Down
(20:13) COMA-CHI — oneness
(26:13) ECD — ミスターWICKED
(29:05) Soul Scream — 君だけの天使
(34:36) MICROPHONE PAGER — 東京地下道
(45:44) Scha Dara Parr — Urban Grammar

yt playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLLeXI912_OaxUCR3SHr-CvqSvpE3cQN-

image made by ymoh-co
reposted from Tumblr: ghostattack.tumblr.com/post/33880373254

— — — what is rap?
Rap, musical style in which rhythmic and/or rhyming speech is chanted to musical accompaniment. This backing music, which can include digital sampling, is also called hip-hop, the name used to refer to a broader cultural movement that includes rap, deejaying, graffiti painting, and break dancing.

— — — all music found within this video is not owned by me. the video will not be originally monetized because, again, i do not own it. if you see ads in the video, is the creator/labels implementation of ads that are in the video.

if you are able to find any of the artists songs, albums, social media, or ways to support the artists shown in the playlist; please do. this channel is to promote said artists discography.

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