#logcabin #bushcraft #offgrid #survival
One man leaves the city life behind to build a cheap off grid log cabin and homestead in the Canadian wilderness, including a log home, an outdoor kitchen, an outhouse, a woodshed and a sauna bathhouse. Building mostly with hand tools, Shawn James harvests building materials from the forests north of Toronto, Canada and crafts them into functional tools and shelters using traditional woodworking tools and methods. He practices bushcraft and survival skills every day, including fire starting, tree identification and harvesting, wild edible foraging, fishing, hunting, camping in the summer and winter, travelling by canoe and snowshoe, navigation and water collection and purification.
Continue watching in 2019 as Shawn finishes the sauna, plants a forest garden for fruit and vegetables, builds an underground root cellar, ice house and cheese cave, a timber frame workshop and a remote hunt camp closer to fish and game.
“Home”, by Simon-Alexander www.youtube.com/channel/UCf9TjD6MHoFHSMtEL6pUa-A
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Это полная версия документального фильма о Горном Алтае — одном из самых красивых и мистических мест планеты. Значительная его часть лежит на территории Монголии, однако даже тот кусочек, который находится в России — настолько богат достопримечательностями и просто захватывающими дух видами, что сюда можно приезжать множество раз, и всегда находить для себя что-то новое.
Данный фильм покажет вам много мест, доступных путешественнику, который готов отказаться от благ цивилизации и отправиться в путь на свой страх и риск. Потому что именно так можно увидеть настоящую алтайскую землю во всей ее красе.
Посмотрев фильм, вы наверняка захотите познакомиться с Алтаем лично, и в этом вам может помочь вот такой список интересных маршрутов: bolshayastrana.com/altaj?rid=M5Gpmp
— Turkish subtitles provided by İlteriş Kağan (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iC68ul_G9DucBpNSlZjjQ)
Watch the whole movie at petv.co/vodsfo
(Subtitles available EN, FR, DE)
Lufthansa Airbus A380 landing in San Francisco KSFO — Original version with English Subtitles.
Partly taken from the DVD | BD «PilotsEYE.tv A380 SAN FRANCISCO — The final flights of JR Jürgen Raps»
more at official website: petv.co/enpe12
How is JR doing today — seven years after retirement? petv.co/jrtoday
Cockpit Landeszenen auf San Francisco SFO KSFO Intl — Runway 28R — Originalton — Bestandteil der DVD | BD «PilotsEYE.tv A380 SAN FRANCISCO — The final flights of JR Jürgen Raps» more…
DVD and Blu-ray erhältlich bit.ly/amzde_a380bd
Wie geht es Jürgen heute? petv.co/jrtoday
With incredible themeing and thrills galore, could this be Disneys best roller coaster? Taking six years to design and construct at an estimated total cost of $100 million, this Vekoma custom coaster is listed in the Guinness World Records as the most expensive roller coaster in the world.
Walt Disney Worlds Animal Kingdom is located near Orlando in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Италия является родиной карнавалов, и одним из городов, где впервые в мире стали проводиться эти красочные праздники, стала Венеция. Позже идея карнавальных торжеств распространилась по всему миру, но Венецианский карнавал остается одним из самых знаменитых до сих пор…
Go on a virtual 1-hour safari tour without leaving your home. Discover amazing African wildlife and relax! Botswana represents the biggest number and widest range of wildlife! You will see majestic springboks peacefully grazing in the shade. You will also see other amazing wild animals and birds up close and different species of birds near the waterholes. Immerse yourself in the life of the wild world and learn more about African animals. You will have the opportunity to observe animals in the wild: watch how they hunt, feed, fight, rest, and get along with other species. Take in the views of the African savannas and listen to relaxing music in the background. Get up close and personal with beautiful wildlife, enjoy the stunning landscapes in 8K, and feel relaxed. Enjoy wild sighting and let your imagination to run to the wild!
In this nature film you will see the most incredible and stunning animals
Filmed on the Insta360 Pro camera! Retail price $3,500.
Driving Downtown 360 — Times Square — New York City New York USA — Episode 7.
Starting Point: 7th Avenue goo.gl/maps/VaEwGkLkoWr.
Times Square is one of the worlds most visited tourist attractions, with 50 million visitors annually. Brightly adorned with billboards and advertisements, Times Square is sometimes referred to as «The Crossroads of the World», «The Center of the Universe», «the heart of The Great White Way», and the «heart of the world». One of the worlds busiest pedestrian areas, it is also the hub of the Broadway Theater District and a major center of the worlds entertainment industry. It is a major commercial intersection, tourist destination, entertainment center and neighborhood in the Midtown Manhattan section of New York City at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. It stretches from West 42nd to West 47th Streets. Approximately 330,000 people pass through Times Square daily, many of them tourists, while over 460,000 pedestrians walk through Times Square on its busiest days.
What is Virutal Reality?
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated scenario that simulates a realistic experience. The immersive environment can be similar to the real world in order to create a lifelike experience grounded in reality or sci-fi. Augmented reality systems may also be considered a form of VR that layers virtual information over a live camera feed into a headset, or through a smartphone or tablet device.
What is 360 Degree Video?
360-degree videos, also known as immersive videos or spherical videos, are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time, shot using an omnidirectional camera or a collection of cameras. During playback the viewer has control of the viewing direction like a panorama.
Best Way To Watch It?
The Samsung Gear VR is a mobile virtual reality headset developed by Samsung Electronics, in collaboration with Oculus, and manufactured by Samsung. The headset was released on November 2015.
When in use, a compatible Samsung Galaxy device (Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6/S6 Edge/S6 Edge, Galaxy S7/S7 Edge, Galaxy S8/S8, or Galaxy Note 8 is required) acts as the headsets display and processor, while the Gear VR unit itself acts as the controller, which contains the field of view, as well as a custom inertial measurement unit, or IMU, for rotational tracking, which connects to the smartphone via micro-USB. The Gear VR headset also includes a touchpad and back button on the side, as well as a proximity sensor to detect when the headset is on.
Daydream is a virtual reality (VR) platform developed by Google that is built into the Android mobile operating system. Compatible phones that follow the platforms software and hardware specifications (and are thus designated «Daydream-ready») are used in the Google Daydream View VR headset. The Daydream platform was announced at the Google I/O developer conference in May 2016, with the first VR headset released in November 2016. Daydream is the companys second VR platform following Google Cardboard, which was a low-cost system intended to encourage interest in VR and was built into compatible mobile apps rather than the operating system itself.
A virtual reality headset is a head-mounted device that provides virtual reality for the wearer. VR headsets are widely used with computer games but they are also used in other applications, including simulators and trainers. They comprise a stereoscopic head-mounted display (providing separate images for each eye), stereo sound, and head motion tracking sensors (which may include gyroscopes, accelerometers, structured light systems, etc.). Some VR headsets also have eye tracking sensors and gaming controllers.
Ветеран труда и трех войн, уважаемый человек в деревне Белые росы – Федор Ходас уже давно овдовел и имеет трех взрослых сыновей. Старший чрезмерно расчетлив, младший чересчур весел. Средний уехал на Курилы и каков он теперь отцу неведомо. Но за всех у старика душа болит, особенно за младшего балагура.
В основе сюжета – история о добрых, чистых душой людях – жителях деревни «Белые Росы», которая оказалась вдруг «неперспективной» и ее должны снести. Жителей переселили в один многоэтажный дом, и началась новая жизнь, в центре внимания которой оказалась семья старого Ходоса и его трех сыновей-погодков. У старшего не было детей – это печалило сердце старика. Среднего, Сашку, — он с нетерпением ждал – 15 лет тот не был дома и мотался по морям. Ждала его тайком от всех и соседка – почтальонша Верка. Младший – балагур Васька, жил хорошо с Марусей, растил дочку, но неожиданно в деревню вернулся Мишка Кисель, который в свое время оставил Марусю и уехал добывать золото…
Призы XVII Всесоюзного кинофестиваля: «За лучший киносценарий» А.Дудареву, «За лучшую мужскую роль» В.Санаеву, г.Киев, Украина, 1984г.Лучший комедийный фильм 1984 года (опрос кинозрителей журнала «Советский Экран», г.Москва, 1984 г.)
Сценарий: Алексей Дударев
Режиссер: Игорь Добролюбов
В ролях:
Всеволод Санаев,
Николай Караченцов,
Михаил Кокшенов,
Геннадий Гарбук,
Борис Новиков
и др.