I would like to present this video to those who are stressed with the current world virus pandemic. I want to help people calm and be relieved from stress. The bible tells us that David played the harp for King Saul and the troubling spirit left him. The harp has the ability to quiet the soul and bring a level of calm that aids in healing and well being for the listener. Many people tell me they use it for sleeping and meditation. Should you desire to purchase the CDs that this music comes from they are:
— Illuminations — Tabernacle Prayer — Harp Meditations — Produced by — Steve Rees — Harpist
Steve Rees has been producing Harp Music from the Psalms of David for the past 20 years. He has discovered a connection between the Hebrew text of the Psalms and music notes that develop into chord progressions that form the basis for musical compositions that have been appreciated by thousands of followers. We invite you to join the many lives that have been positively affected by this wonderful music.
#Harp #Peace #Music #Instrumental #Heavenly #Heaven #Psalms #David #Calming #Health #Sleep #Healing #528Hz #Frequency #
Hanukka melodies for atmosphere and enjoyment.
May we each add some light to the darkest part of the year (the shortest days, and least moonlight).
Available for purchase with many more melodies, including from Hallel and for Rosh Chodesh:
ניתן להאזין וכן לרכוש את האלבום מתוכו הניגונים כאן, כולל הרבה יותר ניגונים, גם מתוך הלל ולראש חודש shevetachim.bandcamp.com/album/4-chanukah-melodies
Baroque music is a period or style of Western art music composed from approximately 1600 to 1750. This era followed the Renaissance music era, and was followed in turn by the Classical era. Baroque music forms a major portion of the «classical music» canon, and is now widely studied, performed, and listened to. Key composers of the Baroque era include Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, George Frideric Handel, Claudio Monteverdi, Domenico Scarlatti, Alessandro Scarlatti, Henry Purcell, Georg Philipp Telemann, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Arcangelo Corelli, Tomaso Albinoni, François Couperin, Giuseppe Tartini, Heinrich Schütz, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Dieterich Buxtehude, and Johann Pachelbel.
The Baroque period saw the creation of common-practice tonality, an approach to writing music in which a song or piece is written in a particular key; this kind of arrangement has continued to be used in almost all Western popular music. During the Baroque era, professional musicians were expected to be accomplished improvisers of both solo melodic lines and accompaniment parts. Baroque concerts were typically accompanied by a basso continuo group (comprising chord-playing instrumentalists such as harpsichordists and lute players improvising chords from a figured bass part) while a group of bass instruments—viol, cello, double bass—played the bassline. A characteristic Baroque form was the dance suite. While the pieces in a dance suite were inspired by actual dance music, dance suites were designed purely for listening, not for accompanying dancers.
During the period, composers and performers used more elaborate musical ornamentation (typically improvised by performers), made changes in musical notation (the development of figured bass as a quick way to notate the chord progression of a song or piece), and developed new instrumental playing techniques. Baroque music expanded the size, range, and complexity of instrumental performance, and also established the mixed vocal/instrumental forms of opera, cantata and oratorio and the instrumental forms of the solo concerto and sonata as musical genres. Many musical terms and concepts from this era, such as toccata, fugue and concerto grosso are still in use in the 2010s. Dense, complex polyphonic music, in which multiple independent melody lines were performed simultaneously (a popular example of this is the fugue), was an important part of many Baroque choral and instrumental works.
The term «baroque» comes from the Portuguese word barroco, meaning «misshapen pearl». Negative connotations of the term first occurred in 1734, in a criticism of an opera by Jean-Philippe Rameau, and later (1750) in a description by Charles de Brosses of the ornate and heavily ornamented architecture of the Pamphili Palace in Rome; and from Jean Jacques Rousseau in 1768 in the Encyclopédie in his criticism of music that was overly complex and unnatural. Although the term continued to be applied to architecture and art criticism through the 19th century, it was not until the 20th century that the term «baroque» was adopted from Heinrich Wölfflins art-history vocabulary to designate a historical period in music.
מוזיקה יהודית להשכבה של הרכב שבט אחים (אויפן פריפעטשיק) shevetachim.bandcamp.com
Weve put together 3 hours to calm your baby to sleep with a Jewish lullaby, reminiscent of European Jewry. Enjoy
Look for our varied lullabies if you prefer variety: youtu.be/0vM43LLbdPM
The Shevet Achim Ensemble
➤ bit.ly/3hvVN2X — Познакомьтесь с методикой скоростного и нескучного изучения английского языка ➤ bit.ly/2SGzsWy — Веселый Английский для детей — несколько Бесплатных уроков ➤ bit.ly/3gdDvDL — Распакуй свой финансовый поток И реши проблемы с деньгами за 5 дней с помощью метафорических карт — Константин Довлатов — Бесплатно
1 Поль Мориа и его оркестр из кф крестный отец — Дирижер Джеймс Ласт
2 Одинокий Пастух — Оркестр Поля Мориа -Дирижер Джеймс Ласт 2:37
3 Звезды в твоих глазах — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 6:57
4 Небрежный шёпот Джеймс Ласт 9:59
5 Emmanuelle Эммануэль — Fausto Papetti 14:12
6 noch v belom shelke Ночь в белом шелке – Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 17:31
7 Reflections Отражение — Ричард Клайдерман и Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 22:28
8 Andante aus Sinfonia Concertante KV 364 — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 26:50
9 bambollo (автор Симон Диас) — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 29:42
10 Endless Journey Бесконечное путешествие- Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 33:10
11 polet pondora el condor pasa (автор Даниэль Роблес) Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 36:53
12 Isadora — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 40:06
13 La Paloma (Be Mine) — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 43:05
14 Любимой женщине — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 45:38
15 Jubilation Ликование — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 50.50
16 — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 55:20
17 Rainy Rainy — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 57:18
18 Concierto De Aranjuez: Adagio (Rodrigos Concerto) Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:02:00
19 Duo Solo (Les Mers Mortes) — Richard Clayderman — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:06:13
20 Molto Allegro (Моцарт) — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:09:31
21 A Man and a Woman (Франсис Ле ) — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:12:58
22 Eros — Крис Сфирис — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:15:33
23 Nadjenka Наденька — Gheorghe Zamfir и Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:21
24 The Last Guest Is Gone Последний гость ушел -Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:24:48
25 40-я симфония Моцарта — Дирижер Джеймс Ласт (Оркестр Поля Мориа) 1:28:36
26 Sountry Train — Джеймс Ласт и его оркестр 1:32:00
Джеймс Ласт — Немецкий композитор, аранжировщик и дирижёр. Его музыка популярна в 150 странах мира. Его не раз отмечали всевозможными наградами и премиями. До сегодняшнего дня Джеймс Ласт остается самым успешным руководителем джаз-оркестра в мире, который выпустил 17 платиновых и 206 золотых дисков.
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Itzhak Perlman: Popular Jewish Melodies.
*Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation* (00:00-01:00)
I.THE JEWISH MOTHER — A Yiddishe Mamme — Traditional (00:00)
This song, whose authors are unknown, originated on the stage of the Yiddish theatre at the time of mass emigration of Jews to the USA in search of a better life. It is a song of yearning for the warm and loving touch that only a mother, particularly a Jewish mother, can provide.
«A Jewish mother — she is dearer than money.
»A Jewish mother — how sad when shes so far away…
As der Rebbe Elimelech is gevoyrn asoi freylach
Music: Anonymous
Moshe (Moishe) Nadir was one of the great Jewish humorists and satirists. Here, with all due respect to the great Rabbi Elimelech, he portrays him as a happy human being, not above the foibles of frolicking with abandon at times of joy.
Music: Mordechai Gebirtig
A victim of the Holocaust, Mordechai (Mordkhe) Gebirtig created many songs that became very popular throughout the lands of Jewish dispersion. Here a young maiden, wishing to preserve her traditional «purity,» implores her secret lover not to whistle when he comes courting.
IV.AT THE FIREPLACE — Oifn Pripetchik brennt a feierl (16:57)
Music: Mark Warshavsky
This song, by a protege of Sholem Aleichem, has become the essence of the Yiddish folksong, and a classic of the genre. It is a perfect paean to the very soul of Jewishness (at least in the East-European tradition), expressing the suffering, the tears, the heroism and the tribulations of endless wandering in the exile, the Diaspora. This is portrayed through a touching picture of children crowded around their Rebbe in a heated room, learning the wonders of the alphabet.
V.DOYNA (21:06)
Music: Romanian Anonymous
This tune originated in Romanian folk song and was adopted by the Jewish Klezmers who traveled around playing at weddings and other festivities. (Similarly, many Jewish melodies found their way to the folksongs of other peoples.) The Doyna has thus become one of the most popular Klezmer melodies.
VI.RAISINS AND ALMONDS — Rozhinkes mit Mandelen (24:50)
Music: Abraham Goldfaden
Originally an aria from Goldfadens operetta «Shulamit,» this rapidly became such a hit that it quickly turned into a popular folksong. It is a statement of innocent optimism and faith in the Jewish fate and future.
VII.BY THE WAYSIDE STANDS A TREE — Oifn Weyg steyt a Boim (30:31)
Music: Anonymous
Itzik Manger was a true folk-poet whose works have rightly become classics of Jewish literature. In the present example a young Jewish lad dreams of turning into a bird, so that he might experience true freedom in all its glory, to nest among the bare branches of a wayside tree, deserted in the wintry storm by all the birds.
VIII.A SONG — A Dudele (36:00)
Music: Reb Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev
Many of Rabbi Yitzhaks songs have become true folksongs. They are all, like the present one, simple and straightforward expressions of the faith in God the Almighty, and of the great inner joy that may be derived from this faith.
« Oh, mighty God! O mighty God!
I shall sing you a song:
You are in the North, and You are in the South.
You are in the East, and You are in the West! You, You, You, You.. »
IX.WHERE SHALL I GO? — Vi ahin soil ich Geyn? (40:55)
Music: Oscar Stock
Though written by two men of the theatre before the Holocaust, this song became very popular during World War Il in the ghettoes and concentration camps. It depicts the profound dilemma of the desperate Jewish People, persecuted everywhere and at a loss as to ’’where one can go’’…
Violin: Itzhak Perlman
Clarinet Solo: Israel Zohar
The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor and Arranger: Dov Seltzer
Recorded in 1986-87
Find CMRRs recordings on Spotify: spoti.fi/3016eVr
לאור הביקוש הרב, העלינו רצף שירי שבת מתוך האלבום הכפול "לקראת שבת \ אסף נוה שלום" על מנת להנעים את ההכנות לשבת. ביום שישי בזמן הנקיונות והבישולים מספיק להפעיל רצועה זו שאורכה יותר משעה ולהפוך גם את ההכנות לשבת ל"מעין עולם הבא".
רשימת השירים:
ידיד נפש
לכה דודי
שלום עליכם
אשת חיל
מנוחה ושמחה
מה ידידות
יום זה לישראל
כי אשמרה שבת
דרור יקרא
יום שבתון
שמרו שבתותי
צור משלו
השומר שבת
יום זה מכובד
מזמור לדוד