♦ Sims1 vs Sims2 vs Sims 3 vs Sims 4: VooDoo Doll

Hi, this is a comparison of the evolution of VooDoo Dolls through the games. I was actually surprised Sims 1 had one because its a tiny object I hadnt noticed before.

VooDoo Dolls are not something I use a lot in my gameplay so it was fun seeing all their capabilities. Do you use them a lot? What do you think about them?

My opinion?

Sims 1 was firstly introduced in Livin Large had a very basic start, the doll was only meant to torment others for your Sims fun and the victim looks in pain so it was certainly dark

Sims 2 s came in Bon Voyage and it brought nice additions like being able to affect their relationships and tortures which were more than just making them uncomfortable, I also like how this time its a reward, do people just find this stuff when playing normally? It wouldve never occurred to me to dig around for a map

Sims 3 was in The Store in the More Magic! Set but you can always buy it separately, this one introduced binding it and some old spells from Sims 1 and its actually dangerous if it fails

Sims 4 is the only one that came with the base game so thats a big plus, it just adds moodlets so thats a downer but I do like how now theres a way to revive Sims with it, summoning them is also better than just calling someone, I guess lol

So to me they all have something to offer, but thats just my opinion, what about yours?

Spooky Month - Unwanted Guest

Кое-кто устал и хочет уйти, но это не дети…
Настоящая концовка — www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/772679
Саундтрек — www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE3nvXr1D_ceFclJ5IwPa6YSe5Ka51Ehw
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Henry Stickmin: Completing the Mission (THE END)

The Henry Stickmin Collection comes to an end with the last fails, the last funny scenes, and the secret ending! What an incredible, hilarious game!
Completing the Mission Part 1 ► youtu.be/y4LDvDVg86A
Fleeing the Complex ► youtu.be/N9K2p54k9GA
Infiltrating the Airship ► youtu.be/kbFp2H7nYMk
Stealing the Diamond ► youtu.be/DGAV-s9Gwag
Escaping the Prison ► youtu.be/KUSCkUZ21Uc
Breaking the Bank ► youtu.be/2lXhvybRPMs

Play The Henry Stickmin Collection ► store.steampowered.com/app/1089980/The_Henry_Stickmin_Collection/

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Horror Outro ► soundcloud.com/shurkofficial/haunted
Happy Outro ► soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint

Friday Night Funkin: All Tracks On Hard (With Custom GFX)

I wanted to come back to FNF because there was a small update to the game. The update shows your score in each song, and plays an instrumental of the track selected on the free play menu. No new tracks were added just yet, but that will happen in the future. I just made very small adjustments to assets like changing text color. Remember that the texture changes are not an official update, just tweaks with the graphics.

0:00 Intro/Tutorial
1:40 Bopeebo
3:00 Fresh
4:26 Dadbattle
6:04 Spookeez
7:46 South

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Как Продолжения Уничтожили FNAF? / МозгоВзрыв

Бесплатная онлайн-конференция от Skillbox —https://clc.to/IjWtDg
Краткий обзор на все продолжения франшизы Five Nights at Freddy, выходившие после 4 части. Попытаемся не утонуть в графомании Скотта Коутона и посмеяться с происходящего на экране бреда.

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Мой ТикТок: www.tiktok.com/@_n_time_?lang=ru
Монтажёр Мозговзрыва 11: www.youtube.com/channel/UCidIpHA2OMAZOkCNn_0HiBA

Большое спасибо Степану Рыженкову за помощь со сведением песни: vk.com/imstef
Также благодарю Дениса Федченко и Андрея Черняева за помощь с лором Фнафа.